Banana Bread, Cacao Ceremonies & Collaborations
I have decided to bring a little bit of change to the structure of my monthly blog posts. They will still be in the same format as usual (an update about my month, followed by my recommended recipes, reads, yoga and more). However I feel that I wanted to change the titles, in orer to capture the essence of the post. I hope you enjoy the read!
I feel like February was suuuch a long month, yet it was also over so fast. I don’t think I’ve ever been as busy in my entire life, as I have been in Feb. Every single weekend there has been something on, including me hosting 2 workshops, attending 2 yoga training’s, an ecstatic dance workshop, a cacao healing ceremony and visiting Dusseldorf and co-hosting a women’s circle (plus socialising and teaching yoga in between). It’s been A LOT, but somehow I’ve managed to power through. I believe as well, that when you’re on the right path and you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing, then the universe provides you with the energy source to carry you through (even if you have no idea how your physical body is going to maintain it).
Side note:
Since writing this part of the blog, I have since reached a point where I did almost burn out. I wasn’t taking enough time and care for myself and have since learned to take a step back. After all, spirit does not want me to run myself into the ground as then I can be of service to no one, myself included).
The first workshop I hosted this month, was my third Women’s Wellness workshop with Kira, which we hosted in Hamburg (my most recent home city). We wanted to host something again together before Kira was leaving for Hawaii (so, so jealous). It was such an amazing day and was an incredible group of women. It truly lights me up to be bring together an empowering community of women, to support one another and help each other to grow.
Such an amazing group of women!
At this workshop I also met a new friend/soul sister called Mars (who is also a yoga teacher). Mars is from Mexico and has been visiting Hamburg as her boyfriend is German. We’ve connected so well and did a lovely healing swap together. It was my first ever shamanic energetic healing and it involved Mars singing and playing a shamanic drum, whilst I was allowing my body to move and dance to the rhythm of her voice before receiving the healing. I had to teach a yoga class straight after the healing, and it left me feeling so energised and alive.
Mars and her beautiful shamanic drum.
Our amazing sponsors, Yogi Tea!
Also sponsored by the Foodist.
Another wonderful workshop with Kira.
Heather & Mars journaling.
Women’s Wellness Workshop, Hamburg.
I also connected really well with Heather (who also attended this workshop). We’ve decided to co-host a few Yoga & Intuitive Art workshops together. Heather is a super creative soul and incorporates spiritual elements into her work. She has also created her hand made own oracle card deck, which is so beautiful and I absolutely LOVE using it. The deck allows you to use your own intuition rather than just telling you what the card means. I’m so excited as to have hosted our very first Intuitive Art & Yoga workshop together (which I’ll tell you all about in the next blog post).
Heather, Goddess & Intuitive Artist.
Heather and I collaborating and planning some workshops.
A delicious spring salad at Heathers.
Heathers Intuitive Artwork.
As I’ve already briefly mentioned, I completed two Yoga training’s this month. One was an Advanced Alignment & Adjustment course, which took place over three days. That was a really funny because Eric who was running the course, is the studio owner at Peace Out Yoga (a new studio I’ve just started teaching at). However it took place in Satya Loka (which is also owned by Marion, who owns Urban Yoga where I teach). Then one of the ladies who attended the course, Steff, is the owner of the other studio I sub teach at (Yoga Connection). So that was just a super funny and random situation, especially because they didn’t all know each other, so I wonder why the Universe brought every studio owner I teach for under one roof.
My advanced alignment & adjustment training.
The second training I’ve began is a 100-hour Mazé Method Yoga Immersion course ran by Stephen Ewashkiw, at Yoga Connection. This course takes place over a number of weekends until June, and I’m so excited to expand my teaching abilities and learn from new and accomplished teachers. Stephen travels around the world teaching yoga workshops full time for a living. He is definitely an inspiration and a bit of a role model for me (as I absolutely resonate with the nomadic lifestyle).
The first weekend of my 100 hour yoga immersion raining (the Mazé Method).
The famous TV tower of Hamburg.
Introducing Petra & Mars.
The second workshop I hosted this month, was in Düsseldorf (where I used to live before moving to Hamburg). I stayed with one of my soul sisters, Eli, who I first met when she attended one of my Reiki workshops from MeetUp last Summer. We immediately bonded as she’s also vegan, and super into spirituality and alternative healing. So lucky me I got to stay at Eli’s for the whole weekend, in her beautiful apartment with her cute cat Marilyn. The first night I was there, we hosted a Women’s Circle at her house, where I taught the group about Reiki, followed by a group meditation and reading out poetry. It was a fun night and I met some more really great women.
Women’s Circile at Eli’s.
Eli’s beautiful cat, Marilyn.
Some delicious snacks for the Women’s Night (including homemade guacamole).
The next day we took a beautiful walk in a near by forest with our friend Lena. Eli suggested we each make a wish on a pine cone, and then return it back to Mother Nature. So we did and continued to take lots of photos.Then at one point, Eli realised she had this green ball of light appearing in her photos which weren’t there before. It wasn’t anywhere near the sunlight either, so we think the orbs were nature spirits/fairies coming out to play. I was a little gutted as I looked through my photos in the forest and I didn’t have any of the green orbs. However two day’s later when I looked through my photos again, I had the green orbs in the photos and even with halo’s around them. I even have an accidental 2 second video on my phone of the orb flying around (in the same pattern as a normal fly would). So, so crazy! Then Eli revealed to us that the wish she made on her pine cone, was to see nature spirits (as she’s very in touch with nature). Wish granted girl!!
Making a wish on a pinecone (the pinecone has a high spiritual signicance in ancient cultures, representing the pineal gland-the third eye).
The green orb in Elis photo.
Then they appeared in mine too!!
A beautiful halo around the orb (nature spirit).
How could fairies not exist in somewhere as beautiful as this.
Lena & I.
Anyway back to the workshop, I hosted my first ever ‘Connecting to the Divine Feminine’ Workshop and it was sooo much fun (as always). The women were simply amazing and I was so humbled by how open everyone was who attended. The workshop was centered around exercises to help us to connect back to the Divine Feminine and the Goddess within. As in today’s world (and much of human history), the Divine Feminine energy has been suppressed and seen as the weaker and less competent part. There’s patriarchy, we value logic over intuition, materialism over spirituality, profit over the environment and suppressing emotions over self-expression (just to name a few parallels). These are all representations of the imbalance of the masculine and feminine energies on this planet, which are causing Mother Earth (our environment and home) to be destroyed day by day, with millions on this planet starving and not to mention countries affected by war and devastation. These are all manifestations of toxic masculine energy, completely out of balance with the feminine and causing a disharmony to the world as we know it.
So grateful to be surrounded by inspiring women.
So the intention behind the workshop, is to wake up the dormant Goddess within, and bring us more into alignment with the nurturing feminine power. Where we value connection over competition, compassion over cruelty and supporting one another rather than fighting against each other. We practiced a whole range of activities throughout the workshop, some of which left some of the ladies in tears through realising that they are no longer alone, and now have a community of powerful sisters to offer support. It was such a heart opening workshop and I’m so grateful for each person who attended. The workshop was filmed and edited beautifully by Hungry Eyes Films (Ekaterina), which I’m so unbelievably happy with. I’m so excited to host this workshop again in the UK on the 9th March and in Hamburg on the 14th April.
Sacral chakra snacks at the workshop (everything orange).
Eli invited me to my favourite vegan food in Düsseldorf (Sattgrün).
The Ecstatic dance workshop that I attended with Heather was super fun and was taught by a guy who lives in Thailand. In his own words, “ecstatic dance is dancing without being on drugs”. Being able to freely move your body however you want to, without having to be confined to certain dance moves or styles or worry about judgement from others. It was such a great workshop, and I loved allowing my body to flow so freely with the variety of music. Heather and I loved it so much, we also incorporate elements of ecstatic dance into our own workshops (such as during the yoga flow).
A delicious spread of snacks for a full moon gathering at Heathers.
The Cacao Healing Ceremony which I attended with yet another soul sister, Tanya, was really moving. I had never been to a Cacao Ceremony before, as when I once had the opportunity in India, I had to turn it down as I wasn’t very well. My divine prayers had been answered as I really wanted to attend a ceremony, but seeing as I’m living in Germany, basically all of the spiritual events here are in German. However I managed to manifest a ceremony in English, by an international (Dutch & Australian) couple who were travelling Europe hosting ceremonies (what a life). The cacao wasn’t that delicious (as it was literally pure cacao with zero sweetener), but the point was is that it helps to open the heart chakra, and you can set an intention when you drink it.
Back at the Cat Cafe with Tanya planning our workshop together (our second home).
The most amazing vegan coconut curry.
My intention was to spread the light. Spread it within and spread it without. Spread it to all who will openly receive it. We then went on to sing a variety of different mantras, as they had many instruments and a band of people playing. It was such a beautiful evening and that night I had a really vivid dream which gave me a really great idea. I feel that it was Mother Cacao speaking to me and guiding me on how I can spread the light.
Who knew Mother Nature looked so good in jeans!
Another soul sister, Petra.
So that’s enough about my month, let’s get onto the good stuff!
Favourite Recipe of the month: Banana Bread
I can’t believe that out of all of my human years of baking, I have only just started making this now. This banana bread is so ridiculously simple to make, and it tastes incredibly delicious! I’ve literally been making this twice a week, and I have it as my go to treat to make when I have guests or reiki clients around.
The riper the bananas, the sweeter it will taste. However, if you do want to add in some extra sweetness, you can add in agave syrup or coconut sugar if you wish (however for me personally its usually sweet enough without).
Favourite Read of the month:
The Convoluted Universe: Book 2, by Dolores Cannon
If you want to take your mind, and expand it as wide as it can stretch then maybe this is the book for you. Tanya mentioned she had bought this book, and as usual I create my own secret book club and buy (download) the book too, so we can have conversation about the concepts.
Dolores Cannon had a 40+ year career, specialising in past life regression, where she developed her quantum healing hypnosis technique. This book is a part of a series, of a compilation of her research and interviews, with thousands and thousands of people from all over the world. It absolutely blew my mind reading it, as she manages to access to deepest level of the subconscious mind (the soul self) which remembers past lives (even on other planets and as other forms), and the reason they have chosen to incarnate on earth. The book goes pretty deep into many fascinating topics, and I can’t wait to continue reading more of her work.
Favourite Tip of the month: Connect with your Guides
Usually in this section, I have a favourite DIY of the month. However as I’ve been so incredibly busy, I haven’t had any time for home DIY. Instead I offer you a very valuable tip which will help to guide you throughout life.
Connect with your guides.
What do I mean by that? I mean your spirit guides, your angels and masters, teachers and loved ones who watch over you from the other side. A way you can do this is to ask them to show you a sign if you want an answer or confirmation to something.
Find a way to connect to your spirit guides, either through mediation, oracle cards, painting, writing etc.
As an example, I have been working in a children’s school teaching yoga since November. To be honest, it’s been draining every inch of energy out of me, as they essentially run wild and do their own thing (kids will be kids). As I have an early yoga class in the morning and a late night one, I’ve been thinking about quitting the school. So to receive some guidance on this matter, I asked my guides to show me a wolf (my spirit animal) over the weekend, if I was meant to quit the school.
So that was the weekend that I went to Eli’s in Dusseldorf, and little did I know she had a spirit animal oracle deck that she wanted to use. There were 72 cards in the deck of different spirit animals, and I had this overwhelming feeling that I was going to choose the wolf. So I told Eli before I picked the card, about the guidance I’d ask to receive from my guides of showing me a wolf if I should quit. So anyway, after I told her this, then I picked a card and it was the wolf!!!! I shouldn’t have been surprised as I knew it was coming, but it really did amaze me.
A clear sign from my guides.
So that was a clear guidance from them that I need to quit. So anyway the next week I had to still go to the school, as I needed to give a few weeks notice. Whilst I was at the school, I found a children’s story book, and flicked it open to a random page…and the page opened up to a story about a wolf. Yet another sign!! The next morning, I wrote an email to the school giving them my notice to leave the contract. As soon as I sent the email, I then noticed on my laptop that it was 11:11 (my angel number). So that scenario was completely divinely orchestrated. Now that I had quit, meant that I was now down a client, and therefore earning 200 euros less per month (which is quite a lot). However I wasn’t worried and completed trusted in the process. Then very recently, after this event, I’ve had three more new client opportunities. It really is amazing how the universe conspires to help you when you follow its divine guidance.
So my tip to you is to find a way to connect with your guides, maybe through a guided meditation on youtube, or maybe asking them to show you a certain sign if you’d like some conformation on something in particular. I would love to hear your experiences on this if you try it out.
Favourite Yoga Pose of the month: Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose)
Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose).
I have a newly discovered love for Chaturanga Dandasana (C.D), especially after receiving many more alignment tips from my two yoga training’s this month. I used to practice C.D with a nose dive, which was the way I was taught on my course in India (more in line with Ashtanga principles). However in actuality, I’ve learnt that this an entirely different posture all together (similar to Ashtanga Namaskara -Eight Limbs Pose).
Not only is C.D a transitional posture (from plank to cobra) during a Vinyasa Flow, it’s also a posture within itself, which can help to develop great core strength and stability.
Make sure you avoid this mistake of sticking your bum out (as this is not plank pose as you’re taking out the work from your core). To prevent this, sink the hips slightly and tilt your pelvis forward.
Bring yourself into a plank position, aligning your shoulders over your wrists (creating a strong long line with the body, without your pelvis sinking or you bum-for lack of a better word- sticking out).
Inhale and shift your chest forwards over your hands, so that your toes line up with your heels.
Keeping the plank position of your body, as you exhale, bring a 90 degree bend to your elbows (keeping them close to the torso), and lower your body to hover above the ground.
Hold for three breaths and then either push back up to plank, or transition to cobra or upward facing dog, then take a rest in child’s pose.
Favourite Quote of the Month:
“A fundamental step in female emancipation and empowerment, is to tear down the walls of separation and perceived threat between women. Through this sacred re-connection, a holy vision can be borne: women joined as one in confidence and love, a force of global solidarity”
-Sophie Bashford (You are a Goddess)
This quote is taken from a book I’m currently reading ‘You are a Goddess’, all about reconnecting back to the Divine Feminine, (which has been suppressed throughout most of modern human history). I resonate with this quote so much, as I really feel that it is a part of my life purpose to bring women together as one. Where there is no competition or comparison, where we support each other, unite together and help each other to grow. This is the true essence of the Divine Feminine energy. Yet we are conditioned to live within the masculine roles of competing against one another, and seeing the other as our enemy. The more we break free from these patterns, the more empowered we will become and therefore contributing to the so needed healing of this planet and all of its inhabitants.
Are you living in Hamburg? I have a few workshops coming up which you may be interested in:
-Intuitive Art & Yoga Spring Equinox Workshop 23.3.19 (Only one place left, tickets available here).
-Connecting to the Divine Feminine Workshop 14.4.19
(Early bird tickets available for the next six days here).
-Introduction to Reiki Workshop on the Full Moon 18.5.19
(Early bird tickets available here).
This Summer I will be hosting and co-hosting two amazing yoga retreats:
-Holistic Retreat with George H. Lewis & Katina Demetriou in Mykonos, Greece (16.6.19). More information available here.
-Yoga & Meditation Sail Croatia Retreat on the 10.7.19 & the 17.7.19. More information available here.
Follow my journey on Instagram:
Maddie studied Psychology at university in the UK, and since travelled the world and lived in four different countries at 23 years old. She is now an International Yoga Teacher (trained in India), and Reiki Master. She is currently living in Hamburg, Germany, and is teaching yoga and running a variety of spiritual workshops, with the aim of helping others to become more in alignment with their higher selves.